
The Other Room - One Year On...

Almost exactly a year ago, I took my first bare-foot steps into the chilly waters of self-publishing, and released my collection The Other Room. Some of these stories had already been published in magazines, but most were new to the world. I honestly had no idea how the book would be received, either in terms of sales or reviews.

The Other RoomFortunately, it's gone far, far better than I ever imagined. I mean, a book that cites Robert Aickman as an influence in its blurb is never going to be the next Twilight but by my own standards The Other Room has sold well, and the responses from readers from been both humbling and exciting. And at least one person let me know in an email that they bought it because of the Aickman reference.

The book also featured in the 2011 Red Adept Reviews Indie Awards short story category.

The Other Room is available on Amazon (UK US GE FR | ES | IT) and Smashwords.

And to celebrate, for the next week it is available for free from Smashwords, if you enter the following code at the checkout: QD54K. If you do pick up a copy, I'd love to know what you think of it.

And a year anniversary is an excellent time to start seriously thinking about what stories to include in a second collection, isn't it? You betcha.