Firstly, a review over at the Dark Musings site here. I read the reviews on this horror blog anyway, so it was a nice surprise to suddenly see my own name up there. Especially with comments like this:
"It’s a special moment when you read a new author and immediately get the feeling that you’re onto something special and such was the case here. The stories in this collection are evidence of great talent at work, both emotionally and intellectually stimulating."
That's one for the to-be-read-at-my-funeral list.
Secondly, The Story Behind Falling Over, a piece I wrote about the links, deliberate or otherwise, between the stories in the book is up on the UPCOMING4ME site: you can read it here.
And finally, I'm quoted talking about novellas in this article in Forbes (yes, that Forbes) by Suw Charman-Anderson. Actually, this one hasn't got anything to do with Falling Over really, but I've pretended it has so I can crowbar a bad pun into this blog post's title...
(Various links to buy Falling Over in paperback and all manner of electronic formats are here.)