

Recommendation: And So The Night Did Claim Them by Duncan P. Bradshaw

I've known Duncan Bradshaw for a few years, mainly for two things: his love of good beers and his fiction, a very distinctive blend of humour and over the top horror. His readings at conventions are always laugh-out-loud funny/groan-out-loud disgusting (check out Congratulations! You've Accidentally Summoned A World-Ending Monster. What Now?, a riff on the 'Choose Your Own Adventure' series, for an example). Fair to say, although we're both writing horror, our approaches our worlds apart...

So I was more than intrigued when Duncan approached me for a blurb for a forthcoming release which he said was... serious. I think he even used the 'literature' word. But even if he didn't, I will: And The Night Did Claim Them, from Black Shuck Books is a masterful piece of serious horror literature. It's still got moments of trademark Bradshaw humour, but now part of a story which is a dark and unrelenting slide towards doom. I genuinely loved it, and after some thought I had this to say about it:

“A creepy, absorbing novella about loss, regret, and the blackness awaiting us all. Bleak as hell; dark and silky as a pint of Guinness - I loved it.”

And I stand by every word.

(Disclaimer: I received some beer from the author as a thank-you for this blurb, which was 8% and gave me a mild headache and some grumpiness the next morning. What a bastard. Don't buy his books.)

And The Night Did Claim Them (Pre-Order)