

Nightscript Volume III and 'The Affair'

Nightscript is an annual anthology of weird and strange fiction; the first two volumes contained an impressive collection of stories, selected by editor C.M. Muller. So I'm very pleased to be able to say that my story 'The Affair' will appear in Nightscript III, due out in October.

The full lineup is below; details about the first two volumes can be found here.

'The Flower Unfolds' - Simon Strantzas
'Downward' - Amar Benchikha
'What Little Boys Are Made Of' - Malcolm Devlin
'Grizzly' - M.K. Anderson
'Might Be Mordiford' - Charles Wilkinson
'Palankar' - Daniel Braum
'The Gestures Remain' - Christi Nogle
'House of Abjection' - David Peak
'The Undertow, and They That Dwell Therein' - Clint Smith
'A Place With Trees' - Rowley Amato
'The Familiar' - Cory Cone
'Liquid Air' - Inna Effress
'The Beasts Are Sleep' - Adam Golaski
'The Witch House' - Jessica Phelps
'On the Edge of Utterance' - Stephen J. Clark
'Homeward Bound Now, Paulino' - Armel Dagorn
'The Affair' - James Everington
'When Dark-Eyed Ophelia Sings' - Rebecca J. Allred
'We, the Rescued' - John Howard
'Twenty Miles and Running' - Christian Riley
'Something You Leave Behind' - David Surface
'Young Bride' - Julia Rust
'The Other Side of the Hill' - M.R. Cosby