

The REAL Paupers' Graves

To celebrate the release of my novella Paupers' Graves at Fantasycon last weekend, I thought I'd share some photographs of the real-life inspiration behind the setting–Rock Cemetery in Nottingham. 

I changed a number of aspects of the cemetery to make the story work, but many of the details in Paupers' Graves are still directly taken from reality. (Paupers' Graves is available now as both as an ebook and paperback.)

View of the paupers' graves from above in the main cemetery.

Some of the slabs for the paupers' graves.

Single white headstone erected by the War Graves Commission amongst the paupers' graves

Another shot of the slabs, with the arches in the background.

Tumbled graves.

The main cemetery, with the church in the background.