


A quick post about some upcoming events that I'll be showing my face at:

Local Writers Showcase, West Bridgford Library, Tuesday 30th August, 2.30pm
This is a free event, where I'll be appearing with five other writers from the local area. More info and how to get a ticket here.

Fantasycon 2016: 23-25 September
Once again I find myself massively looking forward to Fantasycon, this year being held in sunny Scarborough. I'm doing some official things as you can see below; for the rest of the time I'll just be enjoying myself. Come and say hi!

Saturday 12.00pm: Bright Lights panel, with Penny Reeve (Chair), Liz De Jager, Donna Scott, Kit Power & me....
Saturday 1:00pm: Book Launch for Great British Horror #1: Green & Pleasent Land
Saturday7:00 pm: Book Launch for Paupers' Graves as part of the Hersham Horror event

You can see the full Fantasycon programme here.

Derby Writers' Day, The Quad, Saturday 15th October
I'm I'll be talking about short stories, the small press, and whatever else comes into my head as part of Derby Writers' Day, where they'll also be such excellent people as Alison Littlewood, Stephen Poore, Alison Moore and Amanda Rutter.

Full details here.