

Trying To Be So Quiet - Ebook Release

Trying To Be So Quiet is released as an ebook today (UK | US); the  limited edition hardback is also still available from the publisher, Boo Books.

I'll be doing a reading from the book as part of a launch event at this Edge-lit 5 this Saturday.

The blurb and a few review quotes are below...

"...a deeply moving story, emotionally charged,with a powerful and rich narrative, it is an exemplary example of ability for quiet horror to chill a reader to the core." Gingernuts Of Horror.

 "I really enjoyed this short, condensed novelette, which is packed full of bitterness and yearning, defeatism and aspiration. It’s what loss actually feels like... It’s a fine piece of work." Gary Fry

"I literally had goosebumps when I finished reading" Anthony Watson, Dark Musings

Trying To Be So Quiet by James Everington, with an introduction from Simon Bestwick.

The day they buried her was the first day Lizzie’s death seemed real…

With death comes a journey: a journey of silence, of ghosts and not-ghosts. Life begins to break, the cracks appearing, the meaning lost in the static of existence. And you find out whether you can come to a resolution with the absolute…Trying to be So Quiet 
is an incredibly powerful story of bereavement, of mourning, of finding something amidst nothingness.