

News x 3

A few bits and bobs:

Firstly, the anthology Masks, which features my story Porcelain, is out now (UK | US). Edited by Dean M Drinkel and featuring stories from Icy Sedgwick and Phil Sloman amongst others, it also has some great cover art from James Powell, who sadly passed away earlier this year - Masks is dedicated to his memory.

Nextly, my story Red Route is included in a new anthology Another Dimension, which features fiction and non-fiction pieces in the spirit of The Twilight Zone. Honoured to be included in a book alongside ST Joshi, Kit Power, Gary A. Braunbeck and a whole host of others. You can currently pre-order Another Dimension with 50% off here.

And finally, I'm thrilled to see that The Man In Blue Books (from the Hic Dragones anthology Hauntings) got a mention in Ellen Datlow's latest recommendation list for Best Horror Of The Year #7. Like almost everyone working in the horror genre, Datlow's anthologies are ones I admire immensely, so it's a real surprise just to see my name included on the recommended list, especially alongside such fantastic company.