First up it's Worms from KnightWatch Press, edited by Alex Davis - Worms is being launched at this year's Edge-Lit convention at Derby on the 19th July. It contains my story The Place Where It Always Rains.
Secondly, my story The Man In Blue Boots will appear in Hauntings from Hic Dragones; Hauntings will be launched on the 31st July at the International Anthony Burgess Foundation in Manchester - I am assured there will be free wine...
Be lovely to see any and all readers of this blog in person, so if you're at either event do say hi.
Edited 10/07: the other writers who will be reading are: Tracy Fahey, Mark Forshaw, Hannah Kate, Sarah Peploe, Michael Hitchins, Daisy Black and Rachel Halsall. Although it's a free event it would be helpful to the publisher if you could register via the thingy below. And yes there's definitely free wine.