

We Are All Haunted

Pleased to say that I have a new story called The Man In Blue Boots in the forthcoming Hauntings anthology, from the fabulous Hic Dragones press.

I believe it will be released on the 31st July; in the meantime here's the blurbage below:

An anthology of new fiction, edited by Hannah Kate

A memory, a spectre, a feeling of regret, a sense of déjà vu, ghosts, machines, something you can’t quite put your finger on, a dark double, the long shadow of illness, your past, a nation’s past, your doppelgänger, a place, a song, a half-remembered rhyme, guilt, trauma, doubt, a shape at the corner of your eye, the future, the dead, the undead, the living, a grey cat, a black dog, a ticking clock, someone you used to know, someone you used to be. We are all haunted.