[Please play the above video before reading this post]
Very pleased to say that Off The Record 2 - At The Movies is out now - a charity anthology featuring a host of great authors (and me!) including Chris Rhatigan, Steve Mosby, RJ Barker, Eva Dolan, Claire McGowan, Sean Cregan, Luca Veste, and Paul D. Brazil and a whole ton more.
All the stories are named after film titles; my own is called Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex (But Were Afraid To Ask) although due to me being an idiot it did once have a different title as you can read here.
You can download Off The Record 2 (UK | US | Smashwords) or wait a bit to buy the physical book... and as it's for charity, if you don't buy it you'll go to hell... and not just any hell, but a 'special' one, with attractions designed by all the very imaginative crime and horror authors involved in OTR2...