Wednesday 28 December 2011

At the time of writing, two of my fellow Abominable Gentleman, have some fantastic offers on their books; I'd urge you check these out posthaste (I've always wanted to use the word 'posthaste' in a blog post):

Iain Rowan's fantastic collection of strange fiction Ice Age (UK | US) is free. Yes free. It's worth approximately  £9969.0994 so you've got yourself a bargain whatever you pay for it.

Not to be outdone, Alan Ryker's new book, Blood Tells True (UK | US) has just been released at a bargain price of 86p for the rest of the year. It's the sequel to the excellent Burden, Kansas (UK | US) which is currently free. Yes free etc.

I know, I know. You can thank me later.


Spot said...

Snatched up both! Thanks for the heads up. My kindle is running over with free goodies and recommendations this year.

Also, very nice use of the word 'posthaste'. Well done! Lol.


Pedro Ramirez III said...

Thanks I'll be adding them to my Kindle, too. I found your blog through your Amazon page and your forum posts on Short stories. I just published my first ethnic/urban fantasy short for Kindle two weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

Found your blog via Books of Horror. Someone bought you Worse Than Myself for Christmas--did they tell you why? I've read Golaski. One of the stories from that collection was reprinted in Datlow's best of vol. 1, and he's been in magazines such as Shadows & Tall Trees, Supernatural Tales, and McSweeney's. He blogs, too. His blog is called Little Stories. It's strange--the posts appear to be about real stuff but some of it is pretty hard to believe. I haven't read the book. Tell me how it is!

David Kearney